Thursday, June 28, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The Pirate Ship and Other Intersting Facts
Here's my dog...the only other girl in the house...down in the basement with the boys. Don't you think her face is saying...can't we do something pink in here???
So, they love it so much, they have built a "fort" and are sleeping in the basement.
But, once I crawled down in there, I realized there is remarkably more room than I thought there was. And, they have that handy lantern in there, in case they need to get up in the middle of the night.
Wolf room pictures to come later...
Saturday, June 23, 2007
More pics of the house
Well, my parents are heading back home. We had such a great visit. My boys keep saying today that they miss them. Thanks mom and dad for coming all this way to visit us. We had a great time!
The lab flag was given to us by my mom a few years ago. We decorated the room around the flag.
These plates were bought by D and I when we were first married. I think we got one every few months for the first year we were married. I think it was through Lenox or something. I can't remember. Anyhoo, we got them because our first baby was our black lab Bandit. They have sat in their boxes for 14 years now. At least now they are gracing Shane's room!
And, here they are playing their Game Boys.
A few people have requested that I post a picture of me in my full Renaissance costume. I fully intend to do this. I can either dig up a picture that was taken last Halloween, or I can just have D take one of me when we go again. Because, dear friends, D fully intends to take us again when his parents visit in a few weeks. I will also post some pictures of the "wolf" room as soon as I can!
Sammy, if you read this, know that I am thinking about you and your family, and I am praying for your continued peace. I love all of you!
Hope everyone has a great Sunday.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
We're having a good visit
Well, we're having a great visit with my parents. My boys were so excited to see their Grandma and Grandpa after about a year and a half. We've been doing all the tourist things in town.
So, here's the boys with Grandma and Grandpa. Of course, once again, the oldest looks less than enthusiastic. I'm telling all you younger moms out there...take lots of pictures now, cause someday they'll be a "tween" and won't want their picture taken!
Now that I look at it, Shane's the only one who looks like he doesn't mind getting the picture taken...
Monday, June 18, 2007
Bad Day Today
Friday, June 15, 2007
My Little Shark-Tooth
Years ago, when Finding Nemo was popular, my little dude here was quite small. However, he loved the movie. In particular, he loved the scene where they say..."Sharkbait, bru ha ha" OK, so if you have never seen it, go out and rent it. It's a cute movie, even for adults. So, as the years went on, we used Sharkbait as his nickname.
Flash forward to the age of five. Wendy and I were having lunch last week (quite nice to be a lunching mommy for a day!) Well, anyway, I was sitting across from him. He was sitting next to Elaina, who he says he IS going to marry, and she's going to have to kiss him, because the mommy has to kiss the daddy (already a man). He laughed, and I was like, omg, open your mouth again. Well, I was shocked to see this tooth growing in, and the other tooth hasn't fallen out yet. Wendy said, you should have a dentist go see it. So, of course, being the worrying mother I am, I was there the next day. They took x-rays. They fell in love with him (of course). Then they told me it was fine. They said it was very common, and that the root of the baby tooth is gone, so it should fall out any day now. Well, that was last week! It's been over a week, and we can't get that sucker out. I've fed him corn on the cob. I've fed him carrots. Not a budge. I've tried to wiggle it, but I'm sort of a squeamish mom when it comes to my own kids, so I can't really do it. That little bugger is hanging on for dear life. Now, I'm thinking, ok, is that other tooth going to continue to come out, and like be at a terrible angle? What should I do?
So, he came up to me that day and said his new nickname should be "Sharktooth", since sharks get rows of teeth like that. OK guys, he's only 5, quite a genius, right?
On another note, I got a job!!! There were 38 applicants, and they interviewed 4, and I got it. I'll be working at my local library. My oldest said, I can totally see you doing that mommy. The pay is an insult, but it's only like 15 hours a week, and it's during the day, in four hour shifts. So, it's perfect for me. I can get out of the house, and not sit around feeling sorry for myself. Because, to be quite honest, I've been known to go into crying fits lately. My youngest is going into 1st grade, which means I have an empty nest during the day. I'm not dealing with it well. I mean, just a short year and a half ago, I was homeschooling all three of them, and I was with them 24 hours a day. So, for all you young moms out there, savor each and every day. It happens really, really fast. Well, as I was crying last night and said this, my very logical husband said, "No dear, it didn't. You just feel like it did." Thanks Socrates!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I've been outed
So, here's my handsome husband swordfighting his very own flesh and blood...our son! Yikes!
So, there you have it...I've been outed. I'm one of those weird festival people who dress up when they're not even getting paid for it. I admit it.
Monday, June 11, 2007
The Good Ole Days
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Summer is in Full Swing!
Well, summer is in full swing here at my house. And with it comes the obvious question...what do I do with these three boys all summer? I really don't know. I'm going to have to figure something out.
So, we have a really nice family behind us at our new house. The boys really like hanging out with them. The only problem is, they have to climb over the fence to get there. Well, either that, or walk all the way around the block! And, well, that's just too far, especially for the little one. So, they climb the fence.
Here's S heading over at like 8 a.m. I'm still in my pajamas, but I had to snap these pictures. It's so cute. It's so early in the morning, and he even still has bed-head!
Saturday, June 2, 2007
What a week!
Well, some of you have asked when I would finally be done driving my kids an hour to school. Well, we are done. It's a sad occasion, and a happy one. I have putting off blogging about it because I'm so emotional about it.
Here's Shane getting chased by the girls on his last day of school. He's gonna be a heartbreaker with that blonde hair and tan skin. He wanted to wear his "My Dad, My Hero" shirt on his last day. It's kind of funny. He was sooo sad about leaving his friends, yet he wanted to wear that shirt. It's so tough for military families to move as much as they do. It really puts a strain on the kids when they get old enough to really get attached to friends. Yet, I think my kids are proud of what their dad does, and understand that it's a sacrifice, but it's a worthy one.
At the end of the day, Shane and his class were supposed to sit in a circle, and tell one great thing about the year, and one thing they didn't like so much. The boys were all saying the one bad thing was their friend Shane leaving. Shane was crying, his head in his shirt. His friends all started crying, and there I was, in the back of the class trying not to lose it. It was sad. I don't think I'll ever forget that.
All right, on to my baby. Yikes, I'm holding back the tears now! He graduated from kindergarten! Here he is holding up a picture of what he wants to be when he grows up...a pilot! OK, I said to D, mommy's never going to sleep.. You can't see it on the picture, but the dude in the picture, which is supposed to be Collin when he grows up and becomes a pilot, has a shirt on that says, "I love my job". Too cute.
All right, so he had a graduation ceremony as well. Geez, people, come on, how much do you think I can take in one week? They also did a video recapping the entire 6th grade year. I'm a mess!
But he does it, and his mommy is about to lose it big time in the audience.