Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well, the reason I was absent from blogging for so long was because we bought a house and moved. This is a big deal for us, as we have never owned a house before. We have never been able to stay in one place for long enough, and we usually lived on base. But, we found a place, and we love it, and we're fixing it up. The look just needed a little updating. We're having a lot of fun doing it. I'll be posting before and after pictures to shock and amaze you. My husband, not to brag or anything, but he can do just about anything around the house. While the older boys were at summer camp, we renovated their bathroom. It was terrible before, really outdated looking and had pink flowers on the linoleum. Take a look...

Ewww, look at the pink countertop...

Not manly at all...

OK, here's the result of all our hard work after one week...

Thanks daddy! It looks much better!


Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry said...

Wow, it's gorgeous! But I'll tell ya a little secret - I'd love a pink countertop.

Wendy said...

WOWZA! I love it! It looks sooo great! That looks like fun, but yes, hard work too! Way to go! What's next?

The Morgan Family said...

Oh WOW! That bathroom looks completely different and MUCH MUCH better! Great job! I"m looking for someone to paint the kids rooms.....D - want the job?

Shana-Lynn said...

Wow, that looks amazing!! Can I borrow your hubby. I want my bathroom to look that nice!!

Janice said...

How cool!!!!!!! I love the fixtures, too! I love before and after pics. You are so lucky to have a very handy husband! Unfortunately, I don't - I had to save mine last month when he ended up hanging off of the roof while trying to clean the gutters.

Megan said...

That IS awesome!!!!! Wow!!!