Friday, August 3, 2007

Houston, we have SUCCESS!

OK you guys, I kid you not, the teeth fell out! Yippeeee!!!!!

I was shopping with the two older ones for summer camp next week. So, I only have it second hand. Here's how it panned out apparently. Collin was playing hide-n-seek in our house with our neighbors. He turned his head, and one of them just poof...flew out of his mouth on the hard wood floor. He looked at it, and the other one just fell out of his mouth. Isn't that hilarious? Not a story like, he was eating corn on the cob or anything. They apparently just went-a-flying!

Not to gross you out, but here's some pics. They're cute, cause he was so excited to tell me when I got home.

I know, that last one was way more nose than you wanted to see, but I think it's way cute. Of course, I'm partial to the little dude.

So, the tooth fairy is gonna have to bring double the money tonight...


Wendy said...

1. Either Theron didn't tell you I called, or you never called me back. BOOB.
2. Julia is 6 months older, and still no teeth gone. Hellloooo. Pokey.
3. I am going to bed NOW, so... I will call you in the morning.
4. The WORST thunderstorm of your life, huh?

txswordmaker said...

Yes, Houston, we do have success. The tooth faerie actually made it on the first night after tooth removal. Good thing the tooth faerie was prepared for such a thing as a double elimination.

Liza on Maui said...

Oh, I remember my daughter N had the same thing... it took a long time for the lower front tooth to come out.

I'm glad they're finally out! What the rate going for tooth fairy nowadays? :)

Shana-Lynn said...

YIPPEE, that is exciting! Hope the tooth fairy was really good to him.

Janice said...

Whoohoo! And double the money, too! He's is going to be a happy little guy!

A.K. said...

yay!!! it finally came out!

Stacy said...

AWESOME! Weird how they just fell out?? SO whats your tooth fairy rate????