Sunday, January 27, 2008

Following suit...

Wow, so has it been since New Year's Day that I posted? At least I didn't wait until Valentine's Day, right Susie?

I have so, so many exciting things happening in my life right now, but alas, I don't feel I can blog about any of them on this public forum. I am following suit and going private. I will probably do it sometime next week.

So, if you still want to read my blog, and if I don't have your e-mail yet, (Stacy, I don't have yours) send me a comment with your e-mail. I won't publish the comment with your e-mail in it.

After I go private, I'll update everyone on all the things happening! Don't worry mom, I'll work you through this whole thing. You'll just have to sign in with your e-mail and a password to look at my blog.

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