Sunday, November 25, 2007

I elfed my family

click here to see my elfin' family. I'm laughing so hard, I'm crying!

Thanks Megan!


Liza on Maui said...

I just elfed G and N, before I saw your post - it's absolutely hilarious!!!!

Now the question is, what about you? I'm sure the boys would also want to see you - I know they only take 4 - so you've got to do a solo - LOL!!!!

Janice said...

That's hysterical!!!!!!

A.K. said...

finally got my computer to work so i could upload the elfing! thanks for the laugh- so cute!

Megan said...

Okay...I FINALLY got to see it!! Hilarious!! The best part is your husband's serious face! Too funny!

Wendy said...

Loved it! HILLARIOUS!!!

Wendy said...

Loved it! HILLARIOUS!!!